Praise and thanks be to the Almighty, the Creator of all languages! It also includes the Kemtuik language. This is wealth, inheritance and potential that is passed down to generations / children and grandchildren.
“Kemtuik Dictionary” in 3 languages, Kemtuik-Indonesian-English, is a strategic necessity for Kemtuik speakers, who are studying Indonesian or English. Because this is the right tool, especially for Kemtuik people who have lived overseas for a long time. Also by publishing this dictionary, the index of books in our libraries, local, regional, national and international especially dictionaries will be enriched with the addition of the Kemtuik Dictionary.
So, on behalf of the Foundation for Cooperation in Services Through Mother Language (PELIBU), we would like to express our gratitude to the Drafting Team for collecting the Kemtuik Dictionary data from 1975-2008, by Mr. Jaap van der Wilden, Mrs. Jelly van der Wilden, Br. Michael Werner, mother Margaret Hartzler, sister Ortenci Yaboisembut, father Johan Yekuisamon, father Jacob Bemey, sister Yuliana Marasian, as well as other helpers.
We also do not forget to express our gratitude to Uncen-SIL/SIL International who have repeatedly encouraged us through training and workshops on dictionary preparation, especially Dr. René van den Berg, as advisor and director in compiling the Kemtuik Dictionary, especially for Mr. Racfri Kirihio who has neatly compiled and fought for the printing process which was finally funded by the Government.
For all of this, the Foundation for Cooperation in Services Through Mother Language (Pelibu) respectfully expresses its gratitude to the Government, Jayapura Regency, Abel Melkias Suwae, S.Sos, MM and Deputy Regent Zadrak Wamebu, SH, MM. (2007-2012) And convey greetings and respect and thanks to the elected Regent of Jayapura Regency. More specifically, Pelibu expressed his gratitude to the Head of Balitbangda Jayapura Regency “ngayo” Alexander Leonard Griapon, to the Head of Research and Development dem Otovianus Tabisu and his staff.
Also thanks are conveyed to the Head of Printing who is happy to print this 3 language Kemtuik Dictionary, namely, Kemtuik-Indonesian-English, Kemtuik-Indonesian and Kemtuik-English.
Finally, representing 11,000 Kemtuik speakers, who have dialects; Kemtuik, Klisi, Mlap and Moy, express their endless respect and gratitude to our Ancestors (Taiti suey! Mamui, Tato, Asi, Babu, Moy-Ay) who have accepted and passed down the language from generation to generation.
Message to Generations: “Take care! Inherit your mother tongue correctly, precisely and clearly for your children and grandchildren, through the use of mother tongue/Kemtuik at home, in “Saliap”, in socio-cultural/customary activities and “Sekolah Adat/School of Civilization”. Guardians!
In the love and grace of the Creator of language!
Peibu Foundation
Rev. Jacob Bemey, B.Th, S.Si